Across the Italian countryside, sacred religious spots are offering tranquility to a new generation of travelers.
Bénédictine liqueur's exact ingredients and origin are shrouded in mystery, but thanks to expert sleuths and the Chicago ...
The order was welcomed by Archbishop Bernard Longley of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, England, who invited them to consider the property.
If you are in a church that uses the Book of Common Prayer and it is the right day, you will hear Psalm 1 begin: “Blessed is ...
More than 500 people packed into St. Benedict Church at Subiaco Abbey Nov. 22 for a significant milestone. Celebrant Bishop ...
The Master of Arts in Motorsport Management program at Belmont Abbey College is designed to equip students with advanced ...
COMMENTARY: More young men than young women in America today are religious, an indication of an increase in male positivity.
BY January Makamba Today marks two years since the passing of Father Rene McGraw OSB, a Benedictine monk, who was my teacher, ...