哀牢山的彝语意思是“虎豹出没的地方”, 这里保存了世界同纬度面积最大、人为干扰最少、最完整的亚热带中山湿性常绿阔叶林森林生态系统,地形复杂,天气多变,是国内动物资源最集中的宝库之一。
A stretch of road near a beauty spot in Ludlow is to be closed for several weeks, due to forestry work. A section of ...
A site opened to tourists in the Ailao Mountains, Southwest China's Yunnan Province. (Photo: CCTV) During the week-long ...
Chinese researchers have discovered a new horned toad species, which has been named Boulenophrys pepe, in Lianshan Bijiashan ...
Raging wildfires leave land vulnerable to extreme heating, amplifying global warming. Broadleaf trees might reduce forest ...
The animal, locally known as Jangali Thute Kharayo, resembles a small hare and is mainly found in high mountains of China, ...
Coillte manages 444,000 hectares of primarily forested lands for climate, nature, wood and people. Our forests are a rich ...
Belarus' Red Data Book Belarusian flora and fauna stand at a crossroads — not all species of plants and animals can survive ...
Since 2001, Coillte has managed 20% of its estate primarily for nature and biodiversity, and it is on target to increase this ...
For its next big launch, Deciem is thinking small.
The NDP says they’ll phase out the controversial herbicide in the forestry industry. The Conservatives say they’ll ban aerial ...