近日,从海外媒体报道获悉,日本汽车品牌丰田汽车在欧洲市场正式推出一款全新丰田Urban Cruiser车型。据悉,新车定位一款紧凑型纯电SUV,其车身尺寸比欧规版丰田Yaris Cross ...
China's foreign trade with the EU amounted to 4.18 trillion yuan (576.5 billion U.S. dollars) in the first three quarters of 2024, up 0.9 percent year-on-year, statistics show. According to data from ...
BRUSSELS, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese businesses in the EU have called for a fair, transparent and predictable market environment amid growing concerns over a deteriorating business climate in the bloc ...
近日,航空旅客权利组织AirHelp公布了“2024年世界上最差的航空公司”排名,其中来自印度的IndiGo赫然在列,在109个航空公司中以4.80分排名第103位。 这些航空公司被评为最差的原因主要包括服务质量差、航班准点率低以及索赔处理不当等问题 ...
BRUSSELS, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- European consumers are gearing up for the annual Black Friday shopping extravaganza, with retailers across the continent rolling out significant discounts and special ...
马士基与赫伯罗特作为当前全球第二大与第五大集装箱班轮运营商,今年因为“双子星”联盟(Gemini Cooperation )共同成为行业的焦点。此次,两家公司再次做出了相同的选择,与金风分别签订绿色甲醇燃料采购协议。
Created by French maestro, Executive Chef Olivier Pistre, the Festive Dinner Experience is a veritable feast of culinary ...
On December 14, Shanghai will host the Antonio Inoki Memorial Event, uniting INFIN Pro Wrestling, NJPW, the Inoki Genome ...
号外号外,我国新版医保目录“更新”啦!听说前段时间在进博会上火出圈的胰岛素周制剂——依柯胰岛素榜上有名?YES依柯胰岛素是截止目前全球首个且唯一获批*的胰岛素周制剂,于2024年6月获得国家药品监督管理局(NMPA)批准用于治疗成人2型糖尿病(T2D ...
欧洲审计法院还表示,为了帮助消费者辨别更健康的视频,不同国家使用不同的“包装前营养标签”计划,如Nutri Score和Keyhole,加剧了混乱。