Deep in the mountains of northern Wakayama Prefecture, nestled in stately tall trees, sits one of the most important Buddhist ...
Shurei Sasai has been devoting his life to freeing people from discrimination based on the Indian caste system for more than ...
Koyasan (高野山) is one of Japan’s most significant places when it comes to Buddhism, and a beautiful place to visit. From ...
A Buddhist priest who was drafted by the Japanese military and endured horrendous conditions, including witnessing the deaths ...
Jon Woodhouse, who writes regular arts and entertainment articles for The Maui News, is currently traveling in Japan and ...
OSAKA--A Buddhist monk from Myanmar who was a leader of the Saffron Revolution urged the Japanese government to sever ties with his country’s military and recognize the pro-democracy National ...
In the Theravada form of Buddhism followed in Southeast Asia, Gautama’s enlightenment is commemorated along with his birth ...
Followers and supporters of Thich Minh Tue believe he wrote the letter under pressure from communist authorities ...
Buddhist monks and nuns who live in eastern Prince Edward Island say they were disappointed to hear some of the concerns expressed at a planning meeting this past week in the Town of Three Rivers.
Soon we will be celebrating Independence. For millennia, Buddhist monks have played the historic role of defending the nation’s integrity. They are the true heroes of our Independence. The Buddha had ...