According to those results, the image first surfaced in 2022 as a thumbnail for a YouTube video titled: "How Alcohol Affects ...
An image compared the alleged "drinker’s brain" with a "non-drinker’s brain" to expose the harmful effects of alcohol.
The sight of wisps of vapour escaping her head highlighted the dramatic effects of this common perimenopausal symptom. Often ...
The deformed brain is a preserved specimen estimated to be more than 2,000 years old. There's no evidence it's appearance is related to alcohol use.
A hot flush is a phenomenon as disruptive as it is commonplace. One moment, life proceeds as usual. The next, a wave of heat ...
Henry David Thoreau’s 1854 book “Walden” marked the first recorded use of “brain rot,” which has taken on greater meaning in ...
Grey's Anatomy has tons of dynamic new characters, but are they missing opportunities by ignoring one veteran of the show?
This year is the centennial anniversary of German psychiatrist Hans Berger's invention of electroencephalography (EEG), a way ...
New data collected by the FDA has found that montelukast can bind to brain cells, which may explain the risk of mental health ...
The blood-brain barrier is a natural membrane that protects your brain from toxins and germs. Unfortunately, this barrier ...
Many of us have felt it, and now it’s official: “brain rot” is the Oxford dictionaries’ word of the year. Oxford University ...
Injecting a natural hormone directly into the gut reduces the cognitive impairment that accompanies a stroke in the long term ...