MAT1100 builds on the most advanced mathematics courses from upper secondary education and forms the basis for MAT1110 – Calculus and Linear Algebra. Midterm exam which counts 1/3 towards the final ...
The course contains gradient and directional derivative ... The number of groups offered can be adjusted during the semester, depending on attendance. Midterm exam which counts 1/4 towards the final ...
This course will discuss fundamental concepts and tools in discrete mathematics with emphasis on their applications to computer science. Example topics include logic and Boolean circuits; sets, ...
Students must have taken [CS 111 and (CS 214 or be a CogSci major)] or be a Computer Science Masters or PhD student, or obtain instructor permission, in order to register for this course. Stat 304 is ...
Stage 1 courses provide ... to Statistics. • This course seeks to cover engineering mathematics topics that are deemed to be essential to a professional engineer. • This is an objective that is shared ...