When a celestial ... Saturn will almost certainly attract attention even from casual viewers who might wonder, "What's that bright star?" as it slowly appears to glide above the moon.
As soon as the sun sets, begin scanning the horizon for a very slim crescent moon, barely 7%-lit, below Venus. You won't have long before both are set. The celestial highlight of the week?
The celestial ... moon occurs at 1:21 am Eastern Time (0621 UT) on December 1, creating dark skies ideal for meteor viewing. During a new moon, the moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun ...
At that time our natural satellite will be located within Scorpius and 4.5 degrees south of the sun. While it’s new, the moon is ... above (or celestial north of) the large open star cluster ...
Our celestial ... reflecting the sun’s light. That’s the main reason it’s so very bright. What you will see through a telescope is that Venus is in the shape of a half-moon.