In a groundbreaking discovery, conservationists and forest officials have documented the first photographic evidence of the ...
Guwahati: Conservationists and forest officials have made an exciting discovery in Assam’s Raimona National Park, capturing ...
Assam's Raimona National Park has made headlines with the first photographic evidence of a Chinese pangolin, a rare and ...
In a groundbreaking discovery, Assam's Raimona National Park has documented the first photographic evidence of the critically ...
Indonesian authorities say they have foiled a plot to smuggle more than a ton of endangered pangolin scales worth over a ...
Assam's Raimona National Park (RNP) has recorded the first photographic evidence of a Chinese pangolin. This finding has been ...
In a groundbreaking discovery, conservationists and forest officials have documented the first photographic evidence of the elusive Chinese pangolin in Assam’s Raimona National Park (RNP) in Guwahati.
Pangolin scales are used in traditional Chinese medicine and contain the protein keratin, though there is no scientific proof that they provide any medicinal value. Pangolin meat is considered a ...