Charles and Catharine Romer vanished while driving home to Scarsdale from Florida in 1980, but a car recently found in a Georgia pond is the break that eluded investigators for decades.
The discovery of human remains inside a vehicle found in a Georgia pond may be linked to a New York couple who disappeared in 1980, according to police. A human bone was found inside a submerged ...
Kengor admits times are "quite different," but the author still sees key similarities between the 2024 and 1980 presidential elections, when Reagan defeated incumbent President Jimmy Carter in a ...
To say that I was raised by 1980s TV is unfair to my wonderful parents, but I certainly spent as much time with the Keatons, the Huxtables, the Seavers, the 4077th, and the Cheers gang as I did ...
new video loaded: The County That Got Every President Right (Since 1980) One county in Washington State has picked the winner in every presidential election since 1980. Astead W. Herndon ...
Paul Chuckle has swapped kids TV for a new role as violent hitman known as The Jackel in upcoming ganger movie Fall To The Top. The 77-year-old is best known as one half of slapstick duo The ...
Looking back through the 1980s is unquestionably an exciting look at how far computers have come over the last 40 years. Names like IBM, Atari, Apple, Commodore, and many more help us look at how we ...
联合国周二表示,去年感染艾滋病毒的人数比1980年代疾病爆发以来的任何时候都少,但警告这种下降速度仍然过慢。 根据联合国艾滋病规划署的新报告,2023年大约有130万人感染艾滋病毒。这一数字仍是实现联合国2030年终结艾滋病公共健康威胁目标所需水平的三 ...