Computational chemistry describes the use of computer modelling and simulation – including ab initio approaches based on quantum chemistry, and empirical approaches – to study the structures ...
David Baker, Demis Hassabis and John M. Jumper have been awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for their research into ...
David Baker, a professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and two other scientists were awarded the Nobel ...
Currently employed computational methods to simulate materials and their mechanical behavior are based on molecular dynamics ...
Having access to the latest versions of a broad range of software is vital if computational chemistry groups are to be at the cutting edge of research and development. Add to this the fact that ...
We are pleased to introduce the collection Frontiers in Chemistry – Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Editor’s Pick ...
David Baker, head of the Institute for Protein Design at the University of Washington. (UW Photo) Life is a little different ...
A new method can improve treatment for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia by predicting which medication will be most ...
A joint research team led by Yuuki Kubo and Shiji Tsuneyuki of the University of Tokyo has developed a new computational ...