The Twelve Labors of Hercules occupy a special place in the pantheon of Greek mythology, exemplifying the ancient beliefs of ...
The skull of a crowned athlete with a gold wreath in the shape of an olive branch is perhaps one of the most impressive ...
A pretty mountain village on the Greek island of Crete has been named as one of the United Nation's best and is also where ...
The society was a hotbed of creativity and human ingenuity. Minoan Crete is the setting for many ancient Greek legends, most ...
‘Ariadne' by Jenifer Saint A new take on the classic Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, it focuses on the forgotten women of mythology, Ariadne and Phaedra, two princesses of ...
Greece’s highest mountain, Mount Olympus, has 52 peaks and deep gorges. The highest peak, Mytikas is 2,917 m (9,570 ft) and, ...
Many authors have taken inspiration from Greek mythology with traditional or modern retellings of the classic tales. Even if you don’t know much about Greek mythology, these tales weave their ...
The picturesque village of Anogia, on the island of Crete, Greece, has been voted among the 55 best villages in the world ...
Although many players will be familiar with the Hydra from Greek Mythology and many different films and TV shows, less will be familiar with its water-based cousin. The Scylla is relatively ...
TEST your Greek knowledge in this true or false quiz – after a survey revealed how little people know about the country.