SpeXduo is a talented musical duo hailing from the vibrant coastal city of Galle. Two passionate artistes, Subodha and Lishan, make up this duo and they combine the power of piano and voice to create ...
The Osprey is back in the air after being grounded for months following a crash last November that killed eight U.S. service members in Japan. But there are still questions ...
The Manasquan Reservoir has reached historically low levels due to New Jersey’s ongoing drought. The reservoir in Howell, which can supply as much as 30 million gallons of water per day to the ...
The cameras are fitted on the top of a PCR, capturing all the four directions at a single point of time ... groundwater monitoring with digital water level recorders The Indore Municipal ...
Indore: Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) on Saturday installed digital water level recorders (DWLRS) piezometers at as many as 23 spots across the city to gauge groundwater levels and take ...
Applications for US unemployment benefits fell to the lowest level since May last week ... interest rates last week by a quarter percentage point, partially in an effort to maintain strength ...
The Vaal Dam’s water levels have taken another hit, dropping by 2% over the past week. This comes as the Minister of Water and Sanitation Pemmy Majodina and the Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi ...
It’s not a terrible start to the year, but the Kings' three-point shooting has turned from an early season bump in the road to a concerning trend. After eleven games, the Kings have the worst ...
During a virtual press briefing Wednesday, the governor stressed how big of a strain that months of extremely dry weather have had on water storage levels and also how the dry conditions have ...
CORPUS CHRISTI, Tx — Corpus Christi City Manager Peter Zanoni said Wednesday the combined storage lake levels are ... to use less water from the western lakes. At this point, only rain can ...