Quantum chaos, previously theoretical, has been observed experimentally, validating a 40-year-old theory about electrons ...
Mining converts electrical energy into heat through the physical process of electrons moving through semiconductor circuits ...
Researchers at the University of Bristol and the UK Atomic Energy Authority have jointly developed a Carbon-14-based diamond ...
The Warning
Within minutes, officials at Space Command understood what they were witnessing: an alarming advance in a Russian program ...
A technique called electrophoresis allows scientists to analyse the molecules of life – DNA and proteins – by separating them ...
Bakers has discovered that its eActros 300 is terrifically more efficient than an equivalent turbodiesel truck without ...
来自MSN16 小时Opinion
A Time of Few Certainties
Both personally and collectively, the certainties of the present always carry with them the germ of future uncertainties. But ...
An international team of researchers, including scientists from The University of Tokyo's Kavli Institute for the Physics and ...
In the 20th century, the United States began treating large amounts of its public drinking water supplies with chlorine. This vastly reduced waterborne pathogen-caused disease deaths and illnesses. Ch ...
As ultra-small nanoparticles with uniform sizes and well-defined structures, ligand-protected coinage metal nanoclusters show ...
Researchers at Lab discovered that quarks and gluons inside protons are entangled, reshaping the understanding of proton ...
图源:pixabay导读: 思考解决CP破坏难题时,日本物理学家益川敏英百思不得其解。当他在浴缸中泡澡时,灵感不期而至。 多年之后,当68岁的益川和妻子来到斯德哥尔摩领奖,这竟然是他们有生之年的第一次出国旅行!邢志忠 | ...