Can cats and dogs eat turkey and other Thanksgiving foods? Here's what experts say about what is safe and not.
Your dog will beg for anything at that table, but you shouldn't give in. Some foods are harmful to their health. Here is a ...
Can cats eat turkey? The short answer is yes. As obligate carnivores, meat should form the majority of a cat's diet. So ...
"He doesn't like to eat alone he likes family style with large plates everyone eats from. He may be Italian?" one user ...
Cats can consume certain "human foods," but it's tricky to know which ones are safe for them. See if pumpkin makes the list.
In other countries, another legislative approach emerges where bans on consuming dogs and cats are introduced in isolated districts, short of a national ban. Such bans can be seen as a trial run or ...
While some foods from the Thanksgiving holiday spread such as turkey, carrots and apple are safe for dogs, others such as pie ...
Dog accidentally ate an edible? We're answering your questions, including what to do next, if weed is bad for dogs and what happens when they're high.
Allisha Spivey warns that feeding dogs and cats Thanksgiving favorites, such as turkey or pumpkin pie ... She underscored avoiding giving your dog cooked bones as the bones can splinter and can cause ...
Casual, affordable, beachside eats are much harder to come by in Santa Barbara than they should be, but the purr-fectly ...