In today's fast-moving technological landscape, only a few companies have the audacity to break the mold and set new ...
It is expected that the next few years will be a challenging time for manufacturers in Mexico, with the automotive industry ...
Finalists for CSCMP’s innovation awards offer solutions aimed at streamlining procurement and planning, revolutionizing ...
你们公司最近有没有在考虑上个ERP系统?可能你也不止一次听过ERP了。但是,如果你是刚接触这个话题,或者对系统的理解还停留在“好像能帮我管一下财务、进销存”这种层面上。 那么,问题来了,一个相对完整的ERP系统,到底包含哪些模块呢?今天咱们就来聊聊这个话题,帮你理清思路。 一、什么是ERP系统? 首先,我们得弄清楚什么是ERP。简单来说,ERP(Enterprise Resource Planni ...
The New York version of an art carnival has lost the anarchic charge it was born with almost four decades ago (though a new act may thrill the kids). By Blake Gopnik In her cityscapes, a ...
人人都是产品经理 on MSN2 天
在当今数字化转型的浪潮中,企业对数据管理的需求日益增长。SAP系统作为企业资源计划(ERP)的领军者,其物料主 […] ...
Dynamics AX is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software solution developed by Microsoft. Founded in 1975 and headquartered in Redmond, Washington, Microsoft offers Dynamics AX to help companies ...
工序计划是APS计划排程对生产工单、BOM、工艺解析后作业信息,它指导工单在什么时间开始开工、作业内容、加工数量等。根据工艺特点,复杂的生产作业还需指导工序准备时间、固化时间、工序对齐等 ...
帆软案例本次项目案例由帆软投递并参与“数据猿年度金猿策划活动——2024大数据产业年度创新服务企业榜单/奖项”评选。在制造业中,随着市场竞争的加剧和客户需求的日益多样化,企业面临着前所未有的挑战。如何高效地利用和解析庞杂的数据资源,以支持业务决策,成 ...
The discovery that peptides from myelin proteins in the brain help the immune system’s T cells to suppress autoimmunity could pave the way to developing therapies for inflammatory brain diseases ...
在当今数字化转型的汹涌浪潮之下,装备制造企业正置身于一场前所未有的深刻变革之中。作为数控机床行业内的领军者,我们积极引入了SAP ERP公有云产品,成功达成了业务流程的深度优化以及数字化转型的战略目标,极大地提升了企业的核心竞争力。