"Elephant ear" is a common name for several plant genuses within the Araceae family, including Colocasia, Alocasia, and Xanthosoma. If you're a plant lover, you may have been drawn in by elephant ears ...
Woman caring for various house plants, including elephant ears. - DimaBerlin/Shutterstock "Elephant ear" is a common name for several plant genuses within the Araceae family, including Colocasia ...
A white elephant gift exchange is one of the few gift-giving events where the rules are minimal and your choices are only limited by price (which is perhaps the golden rule: Do not go over budget).
Nothing is more festive than a white elephant gift exchange. A celebration of chaos involving unique gifts that range from practical to absurd, it’s a spirited event with one key rule ...
The rules are a little different for flowering bushes. Bushes that bloom from old growth (the branches you would probably trim back) do better when you trim them after flowering, whenever that may be ...
It is quite a process to take apart an elephant. All the meat will eventually be distributed to people who live out in the bush on the conservancy ... a native plant guide and more SOS supplies.