George Frideric Handel (1685–1759) was a German-British baroque composer, famous for his operas, oratorios, anthems and organ concertos. Most music lovers have encountered George Frideric Handel ...
If a Baroque composer wanted a longer sound on the harpsichord, he would have had to add ornaments such as trills and mordents. A mordent is a shorter ornament, with a note played, the note above ...
Peter Breiner’s arrangements, which reimagined Beatles classics through the lens of Baroque masters, walked a delicate ...
It was commonly used by Baroque composers - especially in dances ... as George Frederick Handel and oratorios - perhaps the most famous is Handel’s Messiah. A da capo aria is one where the ...
Johann Sebastian Bach was a prolific composer who worked during the Baroque period (17th-18th centuries ... including the ...