Rachel (played by Jennifer Aniston), unexpectedly stumbles upon Joey (played by Matt LeBlanc) in the shower in Season 1 Episode 13 - 'The One With The Boobies.' Friends is an American sitcom where six ...
Hall/NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty The one where we watch all the Friends Christmas episodes ... have a lovers' quarrel, Joey (Matt LeBlanc) and Chandler forget to buy presents for ...
but how do they stack up against one another? It's a tough call, but we've managed to put all 10 Friends ... fun when Joey (Matt LeBlanc) and Chandler are fighting, which is a big part of the ...
Friends is an American sitcom that has grown to be one of the most popular series in the world. The series revolves around the daily lives of six friends - Chandler, Ross, Joey, Rachel, Monica, and ...