His team analyzed literature on miRNA, summarizing the close relationship between these small molecules and cancer. miRNA is a type of non-coding RNA that does not encode proteins, but can target more ...
浙江日报绍兴10月15日电 (记者 王佳) 15日上午,绍兴市越城区鉴湖街道坡塘村掀起了一阵阵“播”澜。现场有序排列着21个直播间,在主播卖力的吆喝声中,一件件绍兴土特产“飞”向全国各地。当天,“云播筑梦 智惠兴农”农发甄选直播电商产业园启动仪式在这里举行。越城文旅集团农业发展建设公司发布“农发甄选”LOGO,并与各镇街强村公司完成直播签约。
Reduction in Return Logistics Costs: Tuihuobao, a new return service launched in September, has served ~1 million merchants. It has reduced merchant return order logistics costs by 23% in the past ...
Nano Labs Ltd (Nasdaq: NA) (“we,” the “Company” or “Nano Labs”), a leading fabless integrated circuit design company and product solution provider in China, announced today that it received a written ...
“旅客迎面走来,往往会被立柱正前方的广告吸引,很难注意到立柱一侧的云谷·金街广告,这一点我们也发现了,会改善的。”于先生说,立柱旁边也设计了云谷·金街的展陈。“我们针对大家反映的问题,将继续想办法加强指引,方便群众找到配套商业、餐饮商户。” ...
Apple stock hit a new record high Tuesday as Wall Street analysts gave bullish outlooks on the company, fueled in part by ...
It's the start of 2025, and that means planning for vacations. Here are 9 travel destinations you can visit during the long ...
SolaX Power, the leading solar energy storage solution provider, is proud to announce that it has been awarded the ...
Global business transformation consultancy dss+ is pleased to announce its partnership with RHI Magnesita, the leading global supplier of high-grade refractory products, systems and solutions, to ...
Domestic stimulus aside, there have been outward signs that China’s economy is in trouble. In August, Beijing entered into an agreement with Washington to cooperate on future financial stability. That ...