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"It's using something that's locally available to do a good job for us." It's one of several agroecology principles Anthony and his wife Angela have incorporated into their heirloom tomato growing ...
For starters (pun intended), appetizers are the perfect ice breaker for when guests arrive to your New Year's Eve bash. What’s better than walking into a room with countless bites to choose from? As ...
Cavotta’s is best known for the more than a hundred varieties of heirloom tomatoes it carries, most started from seed in its own greenhouses. It carries a huge range of vegetables, herbs and flowers ...
The path to creating a new piece of produce is a process that begins with plant breeders and ends with the consumer. There was a time, not that long ago, when an apple meant Red Delicious; a tomato, a ...
Shamrock Farm offered some advice for those who may want to get into farming: “Start small and pay as you go. Don’t reach for the moon and borrow a ton of money,” Mike said. Farming is tough, and the ...