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The auricle (pinna) is the visible portion of the outer ear. It collects sound waves and channels them into the ear canal (external auditory meatus), where the sound is amplified. The sound waves then ...
A Gilded Clover item appears nearby, so collect it to turn all enemies into cat eyes. Before long, the screen will slowly distort before a new level appears before you. If you die here ...
Fans of Korean Superstar Rain would be rushing into cinemas for his last hurrah before fulfilling his military obligation, which is just as well since it would be the only reason that "Soar into the ...
Information on ultraviolet (UV) radiation is essential for our lives under the Australian sun. We have one of the highest levels of UV exposure and highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Sun ...
Now that it has become socially acceptable to wear slippers outdoors — to the grocery store, to school, out to dinner — the market is flooded with all manner of furry, fuzzy, and cozy options.