Struggling to choose between ACD vs IVR? Learn which one's best if you have to choose and when you should use both.
Learn how to enhance contact center CX and level up the customer experience with a few practical changes and the tools you ...
Twilio's Searchlight 2.0 celebrates 16 AI-powered startups revolutionizing communication and customer interactions across ...
Australian telecoms provider Optus has partnered with NICE, a provider of AI customer service automation solutions, to overhaul Great Southern Bank's contact centre operations. Great Southern Bank had ...
NICE (Nasdaq: NICE) today announced that Australia’s Great Southern Bank has further expanded with CXone Mpower, the industry ...
Contact center supervisors struggle to meet KPIs like ... GenAI removes the barriers of traditional IVR scripts and menus, allowing customers to communicate naturally. Large language models ...
Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations. Picking the right IVR (interactive voice response) software can be a complex endeavor. Yet its impact on customer experience and ...
In an era where 90% of customers expect near-instantaneous responses to their financial inquiries​​, voice bots have emerged ...