Majin Kuu made its debut at the end of Dragon Ball Daima‘s previous episode, and the series teased that this new monster would be a major foe that Goku and Vegeta would have to deal with in the future ...
Dragon Ball Daima make a humorous callback to an old DBZ joke that further connects the Namekians with the Kais.
Majin Kuu is meant to be stronger than Majin Buu, but no one would guess that from his first battle in Dragon Ball DAIMA.
Ever since Dragon Ball DAIMA started, it has been wasting Vegeta's potential and it needs to change this by giving him a ...
Dragon Ball DAIMA is struggling with a strange case of repetitive information bombing when it shouldn't rely on it.
Dragon Ball highlights Red Ribbon's horrific, oppressive actions in a stripped-down episode that focuses on an innocent ...