An ancient tale tells of Somin-shōrai, who was rewarded for assisting the gods with eternal protection from disease and disaster. This became the focus of a folk belief held throughout Japan in which ...
Japanese mythology and folklore set down in the Kojiki, Nihon shoki, and other ancient chronicles describe Japan’s yaoyorozu no kami—all the diverse, countless gods throughout the country.
The Son of Heaven, the divine Emperor of Japan, was returning from Grand Army ... Education Minister Benji Matsuda was not yet dressed when his God swept up to the door. Thrown completely out ...
he was revered by millions of Japanese people as a living god. Almost 100 years later, Japan's imperial family - the world's oldest continuing monarchy - is sporting a very different look.
This program examines the Japanese matsuri or summer festival perhaps the best elucidation of that countrys ancient polytheism Ceremony footage from Tokyo and surrounding areas illustrates various ...