The Jingu Gaien construction project has sparked outcry over the loss of green space and historical sites. But other projects that operate with similar intentions passed nearly unopposed.
Baseball fans wait patiently in line to get the one last noodle from Suimeitei, a beloved concession stand at Meiji Jingu Stadium in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward. The stand opened after the 1964 Tokyo ...
28. The area’s redevelopment plan involves relocating and replacing the aging Meiji Jingu Stadium and Chichibunomiya Rugby Stadium, as well as constructing two new skyscrapers. The demolition ...
The redevelopment plan calls for the Jingu Baseball Stadium and Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium to be torn down and replaced, and for the construction of three new high-rise buildings.
They say they aim to create world-class sports facilities as well as increase the area's greenery and open space by 2036. Under the plan, the aging Jingu Stadium and the Chichibunomiya Rugby ...