ITS supports Google Meet and Zoom for video conferences. Video conferencing services allow participants to connect with others by accessing a unique web link on their mobile device or computer, or if ...
If you are being asked to ‘Sign up’ or ‘Sign in’ you can click/tap on ‘Back’ or ‘Cancel’. 3.You will arrive in a ‘Waiting Room’. Institute staff will then let you into the meeting from five minutes ...
Zoom meetings are a great way to virtually communicate with coworkers, clients, customers, students, and more. However, as anyone who’s sat through a long meeting before knows, it can be ...
A cross platform app to download and present media for congregation meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses in any language. Features include automatic media downloading, easy drag-and-drop adding of ...
Our Zoom download guide is here to help you work from home while still collaborating with co-workers. We’ve got step-by-step instructions on how to install Zoom on ...