One of the more under-the-radar anime hits this year, writer Haro Aso and artist Kotaro Takata’s Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead takes its comedic spin on the apocalypse to the anime space.
Anime is so often filled with strong leads, defined by their sense of destiny. Not so with Mob Psycho 100, a shonen anime that throws out the medium’s most overused trope. The show features Mob ...
Based on writer Haro Aso and artist Kotaro Takata’s manga of the same name, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is aiming to be one of the best anime premieres of the 2023 season. The series takes ...
New isekai anime are inescapable, and the theme has enjoyed a strong year. Divisive as these shows can be, they are undeniably popular, and their appeal is easy to understand. They can be the ...