Voice, also known as Whispering Corridors 4: Voice and Voice Letter, is a 2005 South Korean horror film, and the fourth installment of the Whispering Corridors film series. The film was the debut film ...
"Absolutely not, don’t do it. I want to be Glinda, not Ariana Grande playing Glinda," the singer, who stars in the Universal movie adaptation of the musical, said.
film))》(2000年)、《天堂有約(英语:Plots with a View)》(2002年)以及《德懷特一家(英语:Clubland (2007 film))》(2007年),歌舞片如《啞巴歌手(英语:Little Voice (film))》(1998年)與《飛越情海》(2004年),大預算電影如《傲慢與偏見》與《贖罪》, ...