金融界2024年10月18日消息,国家知识产权局信息显示,国网福建省电力有限公司营销服务中心、国网信通亿力科技有限责任公司、福建省供电服务有限责任公司申请一项名为“一种电能计量多检定流水线故障管控方法及系统”的专利,公开号 CN 118779737 A,申请日期为 2024 年 7 ...
By Pooja Toshniwal Paharia Combining large language models with traditional methods enhances accuracy in identifying early ...
Safran Stock Market Prediction est une application de bureau développée avec Electron.js qui utilise deux modèles d'intelligence artificielle, LSTM et MLP Dense, pour prédire les prix des actions de ...
The results underscore the effectiveness of boosting algorithms such as CatBoost, LightGBM, and XGBoost in managing time series data. The study’s heatmap visualization provided a comprehensive ...
This project enhances agricultural weather forecasting by predicting solar radiation (SRAD) using machine learning and deep learning models, including KNN, Random Forest, XGBoost, LSTM, and hybrid ...
evaluated various machine-learning approaches to achieve this, including: (1) feature-engineered approaches, including logistic regression, XGBoost, and shallow artificial neural networks ... Fast ...
Traditional time series prediction models like LSTM and GRU effectively address the issue of vanishing and exploding gradients in recurrent models through the use of gating mechanisms, showcasing ...