Growing giant pumpkins wasn't enough for Gary Kristensen of suburban Portland. He had to race in pumpkin boat regattas. Then he set out for a world record.
At the very least, it signals the end of the road for the Giants competing for anything besides pride for the remainder of the year. However, there is still plenty of football left to play, and the ...
DETROW: That was an excerpt of the new podcast "How Wild" from KALW Public Media. You can listen to "How Wild" wherever you get your podcasts. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.
Gary Kristensen, a Happy Valley man who has been growing giant pumpkins since 2011, started converting his gargantuan gourds into boats into 2013 to compete in the West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta ...
People visiting a pumpkin patch can guess the weight of a huge pumpkin, grown by a man ... and giant tomatoes before." He said being on the Somerset Levels, he has enough water to grow big vegetables.
I am now in my 60s, have had a very successful career, never married and see online that he became a distinguished researcher. In his online picture, he looks like a sweet older man now, and I would ...
In his online picture, he looks like a sweet older man now, and I would give anything to reconnect with him. Would this be foolish? Was I too insensitive at 22 to understand that I likely hurt him?