The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences is releasing a project to improve maternal health. UAMS officials said its ...
The obstetric comorbidity index (OBCMI) is a tool aimed at evaluating obstetric risk based on existing maternal and obstetric ...
This report features two case studies of multisector, community-driven partnerships committed to advancing maternal and ...
“And the reviews would pick up on that.” Wilson disagreed with that assessment. “We want to see trends, we want to be able to ...
"Preeclampsia not only affects maternal health but can also significantly impact fetal and neonatal short- and long-term ...
Higher maternal diet quality during early pregnancy is associated with larger brain volumes and higher IQ scores in offspring ...
The pain and distress of women is often normalized or ignored. How can we better acknowledge the pain experiences of women ...
The new Black Infant Thrive program in Kitsap County seeks to reduce the impacts of structural racism, improve maternal and ...
Higher stress during pregnancy is linked to increased inflammation in children at age 9 and more severe anxiety and ...