Coal, aluminium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc by genus/group, description, occurrence, examples of use and good to know.
Krotite is a cosmic relic, one of the oldest minerals in the Solar System, formed under fiery conditions in the early ...
Our faculty have strong research interests with ongoing projects in underground and surface mining, oil and gas, mining geology, mineral processing, and development of innovative instruments and ...
Winter is coming, and with it comes the dreaded threat of frozen pipes. Frozen pipes can lead to burst pipes, water damage, ...
The Non-Metallic Mineral market includes manufacturing activities ... and cement and plaster, from raw materials to finished articles. The market comprises value added, output, number of ...
China's export restrictions on critical minerals ignite MP Materials' stock, signaling a seismic market shift.
This article has been issued on 24 November 2024 in the NZZaS publishing supplement ‹Mineral raw materials› – content realised by NZZ Content Creation in cooperation with Glencore.
The latest Market Talks covering Basic Materials. Published exclusively on Dow Jones Newswires at 4:20 ET, 12:20 ET and 16:50 ET. 1647 ET – The sharp sell-off in Mineral Resources’s share ...
China has banned exports of some rare minerals to the United States as tensions over trade heat up after the U.S. issued new ...
Kazakhstan’s recent accession to the Mineral Security Partnership (MSP) Forum, which serves as a new platform for cooperation in the CRMs area, also broadened EU-Kazakhstan relations further.