(C) The Wnd::GFP (with or without wnd-UTRs, green) along with mCD8::RFP (magenta) were expressed in the larval C4da neurons in the presence of DLK inhibitor, DLKi. The expression levels of transgenes ...
The efficacy of the latter constructs its cell-specific ablation was confirmed as previously reported (Inutsuka et al., 2016). To express ChR2 or GFP in PVN-oxytocin neurons, either the plasmid ...
SYMPLE3D uses two types of cells – one, the GFP secretors, which secrete GFP and express P-cadherin forming what they describe as "GFP-secreting organizer spheroids". The other is a GFP receiver ...
Strengths: Using GFP-tagged Wnd transgenes and structure-function approaches ... for a preferential site of action for Wnd degradation by the Hiw pathway within axonal and/or synaptic compartments of ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. miR153 regulates inhibitory synapses by ...
The Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved the first treatment for Niemann-Pick disease, type C, the culmination of years of advocacy and stutter-start drug development efforts in the ...
前段时间,比亚迪公布了第五代 DM 技术,宣布汽车油耗进入 2 升时代,瞬间引爆科技社区。比亚迪也用这项划时代的技术,给三十二年前一位老人回信。 1992 ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. Astrocytes in the brain exhibit regional ...
结肠镜检查是结直肠腺瘤(CRA)诊断的标准方法。但它作为一种侵入性检查,会给患者带来一定的不适感;同时其高昂的操作成本限制了其在大规模筛查中的应用。已有的研究表明使用血浆代谢物进行结直肠癌(CRC)诊断是一种有效可行的方式。然而在腺瘤-癌发展过程中, ...