Directed by Brian Robbins, “Norbit” centers on the titular mild-mannered man who schemes to leave his wife Rasputia (Murphy) to be with his childhood sweetheart Kate (Newton). Rasputia and ...
This list looks at both film and TV voice actors, as there is much overlap. While this list doesn’t focus on commercial acting, there are some notable actors in the commercial voice-acting field ...
Best Supporting Actor Commentary (Updated Dec. 12, 2024): While the best picture remains wide open, one category seems narrowing and already has a critical darling. Fresh off his critically ...
Jessica Molaskey: A Good Day (Center Stage Records) - Digital March 8 Jessica Molaskey: Make Believe (Center Stage Records) - Digital March 8 Jessica Molaskey: Sitting in Limbo (Center Stage ...
The earliest milestone regarding protections for child actors occurred in the mid-1930s and involved one of the most famous child actors at the time, Jackie Coogan. Coogan first gained fame when ...
Mark Withers, an actor known for several high-profile television roles, including gay character Ted Dinard on 1980s-era primetime soap “Dynasty,” has died. He was reportedly 77. The news of ...