MRCP(UK), FRCP(Edin), FRCP(Lond), FRCPCH(UK), FSLCPaed, FCCP, Hony. FRCPCH(UK), Hony. FCGP(SL) (Specialist Consultant ...
Sri Lanka has a new answer to toll booths -- a tax-collecting elephant. You must offer him a tasty snack before he will step ...
Sri Lanka President Anura Kumara Dissanayake has discussed expanding economic ties between the two countries in talks with ...
Sri Lanka’s one-month old new government with more than a two-third parliamentary majority is facing credibility and ...
Elephant's hilarious 'road tax' demand is winning the internet! Watch Raja's adorable antics in this viral video from Sri Lanka. Scroll down to read more.
A viral video showed an elephant gently signalling a man to step aside from its path, showcasing the animal's intelligence ...
A viral video showcased an elephant gently nudging a man to move from its path, highlighting the animal's intelligence and ...
I wish to share with your wide readership how the poor and disabled people are helped in the UK. Before that, on a glowing ...
According to the Coconut Research Institute, the country usually produces about three billion nuts per year, but yields declined sharply in 2024 due to factors such as climate change, rising prices of ...
is that from the inception the Old Left were aware of the need to target the masses through the vote, while the New Left, five or six years into their history, mounted independent Sri Lanka’s first ...
Joseph Anton, a Catholic, says his life's mission is to save mangroves in the nation’s largest saline coastal peat bog ...