The second serial, "The Daleks," introduced the iconic villains over seven episodes, titled: "The Dead Planet," "The Survivors," The Escape," "The Ambush," "The Expedition," "The Ordeal," and "The ...
Featuring the following six Daleks, modelled accurately on some of the famous Daleks from past episodes. Bronze Dalek (2005), Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964), Power of the Daleks (1966), Revelation of ...
Victoria: The Doctor arrives on a strange planet called Hurala and meets some Dalek Bounty Hunters. Bimsara: The Doctor becomes a prisoner of the Daleks and needs to find the TARDIS in order to ...
It seems almost a cliche that the first monster a Doctor encounters is the Daleks. But in its own way, it also makes sense. Every numbered Doctor has encountered the Daleks at least once.
I was reminded of that while demoing Revenge of the Savage Planet, the latest game from Racoon Logic. When I sat down to try a demo of it ahead of The Game Awards last week, I was greeted by a ...
The latest price of gold per ounce, gram, and kilogram using real-time interactive gold price charts. View the price of gold for different currencies around the world and various time periods.
Gold has for centuries been an attractive commodity. Not only is the precious metal viewed as a form of currency, but it's considered an attractive investment commodity as well. That's especially ...
Astronomers studying a still-forming planet beyond our solar system have found that its chemical makeup doesn't fully match the swirling gas and dust disk from which it formed. The finding ...
Gold is a precious metal and is considered an attractive investment option. The gold prices in India fluctuate as per market situation and are keenly monitored during the time of trading.