就在人工智能学者出人意料地摘得2024年诺贝尔物理学奖之后,北京时间10月9日下午,诺贝尔基金会宣布将今年的诺贝尔化学奖颁发给了三位研究领域与人工智能相关的科学家。 其中,被誉为“AlphaFold之父”的谷歌DeepMind公司Demis ...
▎药明康德内容团队编辑  就在人工智能学者出人意料地摘得2024年诺贝尔物理学奖之后,北京时间10月9日下午,诺贝尔基金会宣布将今年的诺贝尔化学奖颁发给了三位研究领域与人工智能相关的科学家。其中,被誉为“AlphaFold之父”的谷歌DeepMind公司Demis Hassabis博士和John ...
此次荷兰半导体出口管制措施的升级,无疑将增加中国企业生产高端芯片的难度,同时也将给阿斯麦和全球半导体产业的未来 ...
9月25日,由世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)主办的“亚洲品牌大会”在香港盛大举行,会上发布了2024年(第十九届)《亚洲品牌500强》年度报告。惠达卫浴与海尔、丰田、索尼、华为等具备国际影响力的优秀亚洲企业共同上榜,再次彰显了强大的品牌实力和全球市场的广泛影响力。 今年的亚洲品牌大会以 “可持续领导力:亚洲品牌在全球市场的崛起”为主题,旨在探讨亚洲品牌如何在全球市场中发挥领导力, ...
Day 4 Night, a new game studio founded by Christian Cantamessa, the lead designer and writer of "Red Dead Redemption," and Davide Soliani, the creative director of "Super Mario + Wario" series, has an ...
From January to August 2024, Chery Automobile achieved cumulative sales of 1.5 million units, marking a year-on-year increase ...
Yet, the proof of the Chinese gaming industry going gangbusters is far beyond that. At the Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2024 kicked ...
9月25日,由世界品牌实验室(World Brand ...
For example, curious about the conflict between the Monkey King and Red Boy, many foreign players have turned to the original ...
Asianfin--In a bold move that could redefine the semiconductor landscape, Qualcomm has recently approached Intel about a potential takeover, according to sources familiar with the matter.Details about ...