Scientists now know how many bonobos live in one of the largest pristine tropical forests, a place believed to be the world's ...
Scientists now know how many bonobos live in one of the largest pristine tropical forests, a place believed to be the world's stronghold for the endangered species. The research estimates that between ...
One of the most fascinating periods in the evolution of the human lineage is the appearance of the first ancestors capable of ...
One of the most fascinating periods in the evolution of the human lineage is the appearance of the first ancestors capable of ...
The methodology involved creating detailed 3D models of the ulna from modern primates, humans and fossilised hominins, as per ...
One of the most fascinating periods in the evolution of the human lineage is the appearance of the first ancestors capable of ...
One of the most fascinating periods in the evolution of the human lineage is the appearance of the first ancestors capable of ...
人类进化史上最令人着迷的时期之一是能够两足行走的第一批祖先的出现。了解许多化石物种所使用的运动类型——在地面上直立行走或用手臂的力量从一根树枝爬到另一根树枝——一直是人类化过程研究中最经典的问题之一。现在,发表在《American Journal of Primatology》上的一篇论文为人类进化过程中两足运动是如何以及何时出现的提供了新的见解。
Kevin Hatala和他的同事在著名的Koobi Fora古人类化石遗址为该地区多种古人类谱系共存提供了物理证据,而这一发现之前只是从分散化石的重叠日期中推断出来的。根据从脚印中收集到的步态和站立信息,Hatala等人认为这两个物种是直立人(Homo erectus)和傍人(Paranthropus boisei)。
Before jumping to that conclusion, though, you should know that this is a beautifully written, erudite, fascinating and adventurous book. It embraces a prodigious range of enquiry, from neurology to ...