Classic shonen anime tropes endure as beloved staples when creators add fresh, innovative twists to keep them engaging and ...
Moana 2 uses a joke to cleverly address its protagonist status as part of the controversial Disney Princesses lineup.
Jordan Weiss’ feature directorial debut, Sweethearts, attempts to blend the trials of young adulthood with the complexities ...
By reading Romantic poetry for its recurring tropes, however, we can also locate the Romantic tradition in the work of those generally excluded from conversations about Romanticism. Thus Hessell reads ...
Andy Williams knew what he was doing when he wrote the beloved Christmas song “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” Christmas is by far my favorite holiday and as soon as January rolls ...
Other viewers — like Us — felt romantic undertones might be afoot after Bobbie and Emmett found themselves stuck with no cell service and a storm forced them to spend time together in a small ...
It has long been a tradition of American cinema to cast the hot stars of the time to play out timeless and familiar romantic tropes, and “We Live in Time” is no different. At its core, the film, ...