Super Saiyan Grade 4, introduced by Goku and Gohan in the Cell Saga, was a perfected form with no energy drain outside of combat and enhanced strategy. The Super Saiyan transformation from Dragon ...
Super Saiyan God form introduced via ritual ... enjoy an epic moment after being on the sidelines for so long. After Gohan unlocks the Ascended Super Saiyan form, a single punch is all it takes ...
But now that he’s gotten used to it, he’s broken through the first two levels of the Super Saiyan form ... franchise compared to base Super Saiyan or the god forms introduced later.
Gohan has canonically never fused before. Only the Dragon Ball Fusions game shows a fusion of Kid Gohan and Goku, which is called Coohan/Gokuhan. Thus, a canon fusion of Goku and Gohan is bound to ...