From narrowly avoiding being eaten by his father as a baby to seducing mortal women as a swan or a bull, there were some ...
拜占庭學者呂底亞的約翰(英语:John the Lydian)認為,依據佚名作者完成於公元前七世紀史詩泰坦之戰(英语:Titanomachy (epic poem))中的記述,主張宙斯並非誕生於克里特島而是在呂底亞的西皮洛斯山中出生。 在古羅馬作家老普林尼的作品與其他文獻中普遍提及 ...
Poseidon was the brother of Zeus and Hades, and one of the primary deities in the Olympian pantheon. He had a place with the other gods atop Mt. Olympus, but he mainly stayed within his domain in the ...
The Hubble Space Telescope orbits Earth possesses a huge mirror whose measures are 2.4 meters (7.8 feet) to collect light, and imaged Uranus from 1.7 billion miles away. In the meantime, the New ...