TL;DR: A wide range of online courses from MIT are available to take for free on edX. Find free lessons on AI, machine ...
成立于 2018 年的西湖大学是由施一公院士领衔创办的、聚焦前沿科学研究的研究型大学, 该校鼓励科学家们探索 AI 与各学科交叉融合, 为科研创新提速。为此, 西湖大学在浪潮信息等企业助力下打造了领先的算力平台, 支撑科学家开展跨学科研究。在算力助力下,“科学家 + AI”展现了无限可能。
Different types of cancer have unique molecular 'fingerprints' which are detectable in early stages of the disease and can be picked up with near-perfect accuracy by small, portable scanners in just a ...
A new 'cancer fingerprint' could improve early detection of the disease, according to scientists who say different types of ...
天真烂漫的小女孩,喜欢收藏五彩缤纷的玻璃糖纸;分隔两地两岸靠书信往来的漂泊游子,喜欢收藏各式各样的邮票;一位辛亥革命的元老、起义将军张钫,收藏了1000多方唐代墓志碑刻嵌在书房花园的墙壁上,这便是“千唐志斋”。洛阳往西行四五十分钟,就来到一个古朴秀丽的乡村——新安县铁门镇铁门村。这是爱国人士张钫的故里, ...
马萨诸塞州贝德福德——Stoke Therapeutics, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:STOK)的总法律顾问兼公司秘书Allan Jonathan出售了9,696股公司普通股。这些股票以平均价格12.78美元售出,交易总价值约为123,890美元。此次出售是发行人要求的交易,目的是支付与限制性股票单位解锁相关的预扣税负债。出售后,Jonathan持有35,142股Stoke ...
We now have details of a new Bill which introduces long-awaited reforms to genetic modification rules, reducing restrictions ...
With this method, the disease's molecular patterns are detectable with near-perfect accuracy in just a few hours.
导读:2024年基因编辑疗法领域异象频出!从诺和诺德的三个月3笔加注,以及Ascidian公司与罗氏(Roche)约18亿美元针对神经疾病的RNA外显子编辑疗法的研究合作与许可协议,再到RNA编辑疗法在临床试验中的首次成功实现,医药巨头对于愈显潜力的 ...
Phylogenetic analysis of the two full-length genes showed that the virus was most similar to the B3.13 genotype viruses ...
Orange cats are just cats, but if you ask anyone who's lucky enough to have one, they'll swear that the orange-ness makes a ...