Classic shonen anime tropes endure as beloved staples when creators add fresh, innovative twists to keep them engaging and ...
The following isekai manga tend to split fans down the middle, but that doesn't mean readers should avoid them. Quite the ...
There are many prominent anime series within the industry that managed to make it big despite having huge monetary and budget ...
How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend cleverly deconstructs harem anime tropes. Aspiring visual novel creator Tomoya Aki dreams of creating a dating sim that will be cherished by otaku everywhere.
In the worst cases, it's a source of cheap comedy ... Mob is better. Most sports anime are comfortable, trope-y hang-out shows with a fun cast of characters that are content to trundle along ...
Not so with Mob Psycho 100, a shonen anime that throws out the medium’s most overused trope. The show features Mob, a shy, timid boy who is one of the world’s most powerful psychics.
President-elect Trump’s niece Mary Trump said her uncle’s victory last week was the “worst possible scenario that we could have expected.” “As far as I’m aware, the House still hasn ...