Here's a look at everything we expect Samsung to release in 2025, from special edition foldables, cheaper flip phones, and ...
iOS 18.2 候选发布版本已经发布,苹果公司正在为该软件的全面公开发布做准备。 以下是您需要了解的有关该更新及其功能的所有信息。本周四,在第四个开发者测试版发布两周后,苹果部署了iOS 18.2 的候选发布版构建。 虽然该更新可安装在 ...
Apple is bringing its new Mail app update to all iPhones that can run iOS 18 — even the six-year-old iPhone XS and iPhone XR.
The release candidate version of iOS 18.2 has arrived, as Apple gears up for the software's full public rollout. Here's ...
【天极网IT新闻频道】 10月25日晚间,立讯精密发布三季报称,公司2024年前三季度营收约1771.77亿元,同比增加13.67%;归属于上市公司股东的净利润约90.75亿元,同比增加23.06%;基本每股收益1.26元,同比增加22.33%。
Our expert games writer predicts the gaming trends for 2025, including Nintendo Switch 2, the rise of indie gaming, the ...