Chinese luxury electric vehicle maker Nio stock reported deliveries of 15,493 vehicles for November, marking an increase of ...
英为财情 -周二(3日),美股盘前,蔚来汽车 (NYSE:NIO)升1.82%。
该车搭载 23 英寸轮毂,拥有 200mm 离地间隙和 220mm 悬架行程,支持一秒下调 50mm。该车还首次加入侧向广角激光雷达,为“全域智能驾驶”而生。
IT之家 12 月 1 日消息,据乐道汽车 App,乐道宣布为庆祝旗下 L60 车型达成“一万台交付”目标,宣布向系列车型车主赠送 NIO Life 甄选葡萄酒一瓶。 12 月 1 ...
What is the outlook of the Nio stock price HK? We explain what to expect now that the shares could rebound in the near term ...
NIO's outperformance has fizzled out as the market sent its investors back to reality on its unprofitable business. Read why ...
NIO Inc. has emerged as a trailblazer in the global smart electric vehicle market, known for its innovation and visionary approach. Founded in November 2014 with a mission to create a sustainable ...
New spy shots have surfaced online of the new EV from Firefly, the entry-level brand from Chinese automaker Nio. The car is ...
首先,深蓝汽车宣布其最新车型S05上市首月即收获了21730台订单。这一成绩不仅超越了官方此前预测的10天订单破万的目标,更为深蓝汽车的未来发展注入了强劲动力。考虑到深蓝汽车在10月份的交付量已达到27862台,若S05的订单能够顺利转化为实际交付, ...
快科技11月27日消息,乐道汽车总裁艾铁成宣布,公司计划在12月实现单月交付量破万的目标。 他承诺,若目标达成,将在12月抽取10台Nio Phone作为奖励。 艾铁成此前透露,乐道L60的订单量远超预期,生产订单已排至明年一季度。 截至11月14日 ...