近日,国家卫生健康委、商务部等四部门发布《独资医院领域扩大开放试点工作方案》,允许在北京、天津、上海、南京、苏州、福州、广州、深圳和海南全岛设立外商独资医院(中医类除外,不含并购公立医院)。日前,... 2024年11月29日下午,由港澳智慧城 ...
Respecting cultural differences is the foundation of China’s dialogue with the world. The event “China in Dialogue with the World: Storytelling Salon in Xiamen” held in coastal city Xiamen on November ...
澳门中国企业协会28日举办该协会第十三届领导架构就职典礼。 澳门特区行政长官贺一诚、澳门中联办主任郑新聪、外交部驻澳门特派员公署特派员刘显法、澳门特区立法会主席高开贤等共同主礼。 澳门特区政府经济财政司司长李伟农在致辞时高度肯定了在澳 ...
Chinese authorities on Thursday announced a set of goals to expand digital trade as the country moves to boost the sector's reform and innovative development. The country expects the digitally ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged supply and marketing cooperatives to act as bridges for the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the government to maintain close ties with farmers, and strive to ...
GAC Group, one of China's largest automobile manufacturers, on November 15 released three groundbreaking models at the Guangzhou Auto Show 2024, spanning the electric, extended-range, and plug-in ...