As Europe began to rebuild following the wreckage of the Second World War, Berlin was instead cleaved in two: East Berlin, under Soviet control, and West Berlin, an “island of democracy” deep inside ...
Starting off as a princess pleasure garden, Kew Royal Botanical Gardens was transformed during the reign of Queen Victoria from a royal collection into not only a botanical garden open to the public, ...
"Our Vatican tour was absolutely amazing! Our guide Carlo was amazing with the kids - my 13yr old said he could have listened to him talk all day!" "Alessandra was amazing and very friendly. She ...
On this two-hour tour of the Jewish ghetto in Venice you'll look at one of the oldest, most enduring Jewish cultures in Europe, examining its amazing history with a local scholar of Jewish history.
Jews have lived in Paris since the medieval period. In this 3-hour Jewish Paris tour in the Marais we'll join a local historian and discover this hidden history of the city's Jewish Quarter, from the ...
"As an art historian who did her research in the Vatican archives, she brought in-depth knowledge and insight. It was an absolute treat to be guided by Sara." "I could not believe the sheer number of ...
See iconic sites around the city through the lens of the defiant French Resistance, diving into hidden stories of everyday life under Nazi control and the heroes of the Resistance. Explore the ...
When looking at a map of Milan, the city’s streets extend out like a spider web from the Duomo, the center of Milan. With its impressively adorned marble facade and thousands of statues and pinnacles ...
Culturally and geographically, Hungary can be seen as a bridge between East and West. This unique tour explores the truths and historical context of the country’s contemporary situation. In the ...
More than 25 years after its fall, the Berlin Wall still looms large. Led by an expert in 20th-century history, this 3-hour Berlin Wall tour traces the footprint of the wall through the city’s center, ...
More than simply a division between Paris' Rive Gauche and Rive Droite, the river Seine acts as a point of reference for tourists and Parisians alike. Orient yourself to Paris' history, iconic ...
Ready to experience Buenos Aires as it was in its golden age? Transport yourself back in time, hearing the cobblestone streets echo with horse-drawn carriages and smelling the scent of jasmine as it’s ...