Five internal events, two talks by external keynote speakers, one customer event, participating in the Malteser Social Day, ...
Man mag es kaum glauben: Tag für Tag werden im großen Stil Lebensmittel weggeworfen oder gehen verloren, während weltweit schätzungsweise 733 Millionen Menschen hungern. Auf das Jahr gerechnet, kommt ...
From skin cremes and hair-care products to peel-off masks and shower gels: ingredients for the cosmetics and personal-care industry have to be safe and well-tolerated. KURARAY POVAL™ LV grades of ...
Employee satisfaction is important to us - because motivated employees who feel valued and happy are our most important asset. As well as attractive remuneration to reward motivation and good ...
Commercialized by Kuraray, KURALON™ PVOH fiber was the first synthetic fiber made in Japan. High-quality KURALON™ fibers are based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) and have been continually improved and ...
Products also go through a lifecycle: this starts with the design phase, followed by production, delivery and then use. The circularity ends with disposal. The product must be handled responsibly at ...
„Für die Menschen und unseren Planeten – um das zu erreichen, was sonst niemand schaffen kann.” So lautet unser Credo und dafür arbeiten wir Tag für Tag. Warum? Das erfahren Sie hier.
High-quality man-made leather that is pleasant to the touch, hard-wearing and easy-care is in great demand for clothing, shoes, bags and sports equipment. Clarino™ amaretta™ from Kuraray is the ...
Polyvinyl alcohols (PVOH) are essential for the production of PVC. The LM grades of KURARAY POVAL™ polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) combine particularly low saponification with a low degree of hydrolysis, so ...
Ob für Kleidung, Accessoires oder modische Gepäckstücke wie Koffer und Taschen: Designs müssen heute immer anspruchsvoller und individueller sein. Gleichzeitig wünschen sich Verbraucher zunehmend ...
Autonomous driving, smart factories, internet of things (IoT), new communication technologies: The 5G standard is paving the way for digitalization-driven megatrends. New high-performance materials ...