Devious Disguise Awarded to pirates who are most effectively able to conceal their true appearance, whether that involves ...
Explore a vast open world of unspoiled islands, sunken ships and mysterious artefacts. Seek out lost treasure, confront cursed Skeleton Captains and protect precious Trading Company cargo. Go hunting ...
Говорят, что лучшая защита — это нападение. С этим сложно поспорить, особенно если у вас есть пушки. К счастью, в пиратской лавке появились товары «Железная черепаха»: набор прочной ...
Players are now able to sprint while carrying one-handed treasure items and discovered weapons. During sprinting, the item will now be stowed on a player’s belt, fully visible to other players. The ...
In this instalment, we turn the Creator Spotlight onto two charismatic content creators who are as inseparable in the game as they are in real life. Their camaraderie and creativity have made waves ...
For crews pledged to the Burning Blade, there is now a short grace period after the Captain leaves the game before the ship begins to sink, to protect from temporary disconnections. When a crew in ...
This Promotional contest is being conducted by the following promotion entities ("Promotion Entities") as a promotional activity for Sea of Thieves The Golden Scallywag Awards: Promoter and ...
发布于: 创作者焦点 发帖时间 23 9月 2024 本期创作者焦点中,我们邀请到了两位无论游戏内外都密不可分且魅力十足的内容创作者。他们的友情和创造力在整个社区掀起了波澜,使他们成为 Sea of Thieves 社交平台上著名的麻烦制造者,尤其是因为那份与内裤有关的 ...
第十三赛季相当火热,这不仅仅是因为它发生在现实世界中的夏季,也因为游戏中的 Burning Blade 及其猛烈的炮火让大海熊熊燃烧。全新类型的世界活动随之而来,进而在大范围内引发了白热化的战斗。此外,常常爆出猛料的制作总监 Drew 带来了新消息,火枪的 ...