That you've probably never heard of. These infamous Traitor Legion Chaos Sorcerers traded it all in their pursuit of ultimate ...
Villains have existed alongside heroes in many stories throughout history. They can be found in movies, comics, and theatre plays. The villains have names that stand out in the stories. These are the ...
Such was the situation when guitarist Lord Ahriman started Dark Funeral nearly three decades ago. The band encountered a Sisyphean uphill climb, from difficulty finding band members to getting ...
正如1917年俄国革命的诱因之一,第一次世界大战导致的民生灾难,引发了德国革命。德军统帅埃里希·鲁登道夫想领导军队在1918年向协约国投降,结果引起政治危机。威廉二世退位后,虽然巴登亲王任命社会民主党代表领导临时政府,但仍未能阻止叛乱继续 ...
When thinking of the Final Fantasy series, a staple is the appearance of the creatures known as Moogles. Oftentimes providing a healthy dose of cuteness and comic relief, the Moogle can once again ...